mcafee anti-virus | mcafee activate product key | +1-855-550-9333


Follow these steps to redeem a McAfee software product card that you purchased in a store.

After you redeem the card, you can 
download and install your McAfee software and activate your mcafee  Retail card.
  1. Open web browser and go through  the link shown on your retail card (for example
  2. Select:
    • Your country
    • Your language

      The registration page tries to select the correct region, but it might not always get this right. Confirm that the region is correct before you continue.
  3. Type:
  4. Click Submit.
  5. When prompted, check that your email address is correct. If your email address is incorrect:
    1. Click Edit to return to the previous screen.
    2. Correct your email address.
  1. Click Verify.
    Your subscription is now activated.
  2. Follow the on-screen prompts to create a McAfee account and install your McAfee software
If you have a problem in collecting mcafee retail card and activating your subscription
Dial at –  +1-855-550-9333


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