Mcafee download | Mcafee Antivirus | +1-855-550-9333

How do you cancel your McAfee account?

How to disable
1.    Click My Account at the top right of the McAfee Downloads website.
2.    Log in using your email address and password, and click Log In. If you do not have a McAfee account, select New User? ...
3.    Click Auto-Renewal Settings.
4.    Select Turn Off. If your Auto-Renewal is set to Off, you don't need to do anything.
Still facing the problem get connect with Mcafee antivirus.

How do I get rid of my McAfee account?

Open a web browser and go to

1.    Click My Account.
2.    Type your McAfee user account and password.
3.    Click Log In. If you want your browser to remember your user name, select Remember Me.
4.    Select the device to deactivate the license from.
5.    Click Deactivate.
If you are not able to disconnect your mcafee account, can get help at Mcafee antivirus.

How can I renew McAfee for free?

1.    Log in to your McAfee account.
2.    At the top of Account page, select My Account, and then click Subscriptions.
3.    Click expired to see expired subscriptions Or click View active to see subscriptions of yours that have not expired still.
4.    Look for the subscription you want to renew and click Renew.

For more enquiry of Mcafee antivirus


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